Oil Skimming Systems
Complete Oil Skimming Systems
for First Response Plans
First Response Oil Skimming Systems
Fracking Oil Removal Systems
We can help you assemble oil skimming systems including “the right stuff” that along with the right training for your responders to be able to go out and handle a spill situation. Equipment, supplies and trained people make up any oil skimming system. Be equipped. Know your equipment. Be ready! A spill may happen.
Floating Weir Skimmer model #FWS00A54 in #304 Stainless Steel
Floating Weir Skimmer “FWS” model FWS00A34 & FWS00A381 with suction/control wand
The FWS is available in ABS plastic, which is really tough, or in stainless steel (As Shown Above). The standard FWS comes in 4 sizes from 2 gpm to 400 gpm flow rates. They all work the same. The FWS is a surface skimmer that is going to give you a well controlled tool for draining an area from the top down by skimming off the surface. The FWS will give you a goodly amount of water with the oil if you are skimming at or near oil water interface. The FWS can be scaled up in size easily and is in fact the platform for our floating SBR decanters. This skimmer is fast , light and easy to move around and can be easily and finely controlled with our FWS/CS -controller system with extension poles which are actually a suction pole with head, allowing you to almost use it like a vac (pictured right). The FWS is rugged, durable industrial equipment and will last until you wreck it.
Oil Skimming Systems
Our smallest industrial grade FDS, the SteelMAX, can be wrestled around by one man or easily finessed by 2 people. The SteelMAX can recover up to 20 gpm of oil and gives you very little water to deal with. We’ve had these running for years in the steel mills and rail yards. This is a tough, fast, rugged and simply effective drum skimmer that delivers results and lots of oil. It’s compact and rugged and simple to operate and can allow you as a first responder to a spill incident to make a difference and save a lot of damage until the OSRO gets there. It’s the 1st response that is so important in a spill situation. You as operators are part of the whole. You are a Skimming System!
YourHoseSHOP is our custom industrial fabrication hose shop open to the world now. Located in St. Louis, YourHoseSHOP can fabricate any and all types of industrial hoses ranging from pvc suction, stainless steel, chemcial transfer and specialty hose of all types. YourHoseSHOP has the inventory, the facility and the trained personnel to get your specialty hoses out the door-on time-every time.
We work with a few very unusual specialty pumps. Our SkimHawg AOD pumps have two HUGE advantages over most other AOD’s. They pass BIG solids and use little air. Consider our two inch #S/HDF2 aod pump can pass 2″ solids. Wow! Usually in oil skimming you’re going to be dealing with having lots of floating junk in the oily water. Most pumps simply cannot deal with large solids. SkimHawg 1 & 2″ pumps can pass those size solids. On our hydraulic powered drum skimmers we can equip them with a grinder/chopper type pump that can handle soft materials you will generally be found in floating oil.
Towable bladders are super reinforced sausage tanks that are tough enough to be towed behind a workboat. These tanks have a threaded and quick connect coupling usually. Make sure you get the fill valve and connection assembly for hookup to your hoses.