Diesel Fuel Purifier Polishing Filter Systems
Fuel with highly emulsified water requires an extra step. The diesel fuel purifiers coalescers utilize hydrophilic membranes that are impermeable to water – removing 99.99% of water from diesel. To remove fine particulates we can offer absolute high-performance filters, coalescers and hybrid units, that remove contaminants down to 1-3 microns. Additionally, we offer bag filters to remove sludge from your fuel system.
By providing a comprehensive filtration solution, fuel can be maintained longer and kept clean to adhere to today’s stricter industry standards. Cleaner fuel translates into less maintenance, better performance, and safeguarding your equipment investment while minimizing downtime and lost revenue.
The Fuel Purifier-filterless Filter
Portable Tank Cleaning Unit (PTCU)
Wheel it up to your tanks, drop the suction hose down any 2” pipe and use a return hose, turn it on and let it run. It will recirculate / turn your tank over, cleaning the fuel on a gradual dialysis basis, removing dirt and water.
After an hour or a day— move it to the next tank…..same routine. Protects your filters and cleans your fuel and has no moving parts or replacement filter media.
Fuel Tank Recirculating Filter System-(FTRFS)
Advantages of the Fuel Purifier
- Eliminates all water from the fuel system, thus avoiding time consuming break downs while preventing the formation of damaging sulfuric acid.
- Removes all solid particles from the fuel system, including oxides, dirt, rubbish, and all other impurities with a density greater than that of the fuel itself.
- Preheats the paraffin contained in all fuel, providing superior lubrication of the entire fuel system including the injector pump, injectors and cylinder walls (heater-optional part).
- Reduces down time.
- Extends the life of the injection pump and the injectors.
- Extends the life of the primary filter.
- Protects and extends the life of the engine.
- No internal or external parts requiring service or replacement.
- Increases the operating life of fuel filters.
- The major component of fuel filters is paper. Use of TheFuelPurifier results in fewer trees being cut each year.
- Reduction in land fill due to fewer fuel filter replacement.
- Providing fuel that is free of water and suspended particulates is the first step in exhaust emissions control.
- Significant improvement in exhaust emissions. Tests on TheFuelPurifier show that smoke emissions were reduced by 17.3%, carbon monoxide emissions by 10.4%, and nitrogen oxides by 5.9%.